Wagner : Tristan e Isolda (excerpts)

Bayreuth, 1928 (Audio)

Director: Karl Elmendorff



  • Gunnar Graarud (Tristan)
  • Nanny Larsen-Todsen (Isolde)
  • Ivar Andresen (Marke)
  • Rudolf Bockelmann (Kurwenal)
  • Joachim Sattler (Melot)Archivos para descarga:
    1. http://rapidshare.com/files/91700033/tristan-bayreuth-1928.zip


Nanny Larsén-Todsen (2 August 1884 – 26 May 1982) was a Swedish soprano, renowned for her performances in works by Richard Wagner and counted as one of the most notable Wagner-singers of the 20th-century. She was particularly popular at the Bayreuth Festival as Brunnhilde and Isolde. She was a Wagnerian soprano from the generation before Frida Leider and Kirsten Flagstad.

She was active at the Royal Swedish Opera 1906-25, at La Scala 1925-27, the Metropolitan 1927 and Bayreuth in 1927-31, and she also toured frequently.
She made her last performance in Paris in 1937. She received Litteris et Artibus in 1920, was elected in to the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1924, and made Hovsangerska in 1925.